Supporting Victims

If a Child Discloses Abuse or Neglect to You...


  • Tell your child she/he will be visiting a safe place to talk with a person whose job it is to talk with kids and young adults.
  • Be sure your child is fed and well rested.
  • Give your child permission to talk about anything with the interviewer. Let her/him know they will not be in trouble for anything they talk about.
  • Allow your child to bring a comfort item if it would be helpful.


  • Ask your child questions about what happened.
  • Tell your child what to say.
  • Promise rewards or treats for talking with the interviewer.
  • Ask your child why they didn’t tell you or why they didn’t tell you sooner.

What Happens Next?

Valley CAC provides a safe, child-friendly location for a multidisciplinary team (MDT) investigation of child sexual abuse & severe physical abuse. The team approach reduces trauma to the child through coordinated information gathering by trained professionals. Valley CAC works with law enforcement, child protective services, victim witness specialists, and prosecutors who share information and coordinate resources so that child victims and their families receive the services, support, and treatment they need.

  1. When a report of suspected child sexual abuse or severe physical abuse is received by law enforcement and/or child protective services, the investigators call Valley CAC.
  2. The child and family will go to Valley CAC for a forensic interview, and the non-offending caregiver(s) will be offered family advocacy services.
  3. Following the initial investigation, Valley CAC coordinates the case review process and provides case tracking and advocacy to ensure the best possible outcomes for the child. Valley CAC facilitates referrals to victims’ services, medical providers, and community mental health providers.
  4. When appropriate, Valley CAC provides no-cost, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence-based intervention model shown to be effective in the treatment of child sexual abuse.

To learn more about Valley CAC, find us on Facebook at: Valley CAC is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) organization.